SGI 2024 The 17th Annual Meeting of Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention


Dear fellow academic members!

On behalf of the Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention (SGI), it is a great honor and pleasure to invite you to “The 17th Annual meeting of Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention (SGI 2024)” which will be held in Seoul, Korea on October 8 and 9, 2024.

Our society is a unique multidisciplinary society founded to encourage and facilitate the clinical and scientific collaborations between radiologists, surgeons and gastroenterologists. The goal of our society is to build a comprehensive GI intervention network among endoscopists, interventional radiologists and gastrointestinal surgeons. We hope this network provides platform where experts can share technological innovations of each specialty. The society also aims to support young brilliant doctors in the early stages of their career and guide their ways into the global stages. Finally and foremost, our will is to set an example showcasing the benefits of multi-disciplinary collaboration in clinical practice. To achieve these goals, we hold an International Academic Conference once a year, and publish quarterly an academic journal titled the ‘International Journal of Gastrointestinal Intervention (IJGII)’.

The theme of this year conference is “Leading the Way in GI Intervention: Collaboration, Innovation, Education”, and we invite internationally renowned scholars to assist you in your researches and patient care. We believe this symposium will be a great platform to connect colleagues together and the valuable time to share and discuss various ideas and issues on digestive disease to leap forward human care from health care. We look forward to your active participation.

Thank you.

Hyun-Ki Yoon, Sangjoon Park, Jae Hee Cho

Copyright 2024 SGI. All rights reserved. The Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention (SGI)
Address: 7F, Venture Castle Bldg., 12 Hakdong-ro 31-gil, Gangnam-gu, 06052, Korea
Registration Number: 215-82-64752
Secretariat of SGI 2024
Tel. +82-31-903-4385, (Reg) +82-31-906-4388

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